Letter to Editor for the Standards on Doordarshan
‘Hindustan Times’,
New Delhi.
Apropos the letter in your columns of the 6th June 20… denouncing the standards of news reading I should like to say, that Doordarshan I-as brought to the fore numerous very good news interpreters. For instance, Ms. Niti Ravindran’s interpretation would vie with any in the world including BBC. Only because Indian news maintains a certain restraint, it is different from news reading on BBC which allows for more exuberance.
Mismatches of visuals and slips of the tongue are seen even on BBC. These are after all human: Yesterday BBC news had spelled ‘monsoon’ on its weather bulletin and showed a Kuala Lumpur building collapse when the news was describing the Pune train collision in India! Let us not be apologetic about everything in our country.
Yours etc.,
Ravi Kohli.