Reply to Appease/Placate the Landlord on Vacate the House.
Dear Ms. Minocha,
I have received your letter asking to vacate your house. You will Be glad to know that I have already found another house suitable for my purposes of residence cum coaching institute. I was lucky because the landlord of the new house happened to be a teacher looking for someone to run and revitalise his existing sick coaching institute.
I want to leave your house by the 31st of August 19… Kindly make it convenient to take over the premises on that date.
I am grateful to you for your patience with me. I realize now that anyone in your place would have lost his temper much earlier. I enclose a cheque of Rs 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) as payment of rent for the last month.
Do pardon me for any harsh words I might have made to you. I assure you my heart is clear of all grudges now.
Yours sincerely,
Anil Shukla.